Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

These guidelines are in place to ensure the quality and integrity of our camming sites and its cam models. Please read them carefully. Violation of any of these guidelines can result in suspension or permanent closure of your webcam modeling account.

  1. No Minors.

See Section A of the Performer Agreement.

  1. No Prostitution or Sex Trafficking.

See Section B of the Performer Agreement.

  1. No Illegal Conduct, Content, or Violation of Obscenity or Minor Laws.

In engaging in a live webcam modeling performance on our camming sites or uploading any Content onto our camming sites, cam models shall not engage in any illegal conduct or upload any illegal Content. This includes but is not limited to cam models shall not violate any local community standard of “obscenity.” This also includes but is not limited to cam models shall not depict or describe while giving a webcam modeling performance any act of a sexual nature involving any minor, bestiality, necrophilia, coprophilia, urine, feces, vomit, blood, or others. Additionally, as emphasized in Section A of the Performer Agreement, during any webcam modeling performance related to this Agreement, cam models shall not depict or describe in any way any activity of any kind involving any person under 18 years of age. This includes but is not limited to cam models shall not engage in any roleplaying or other actions in which any cam models or any user in any way poses as or depicts a person under 18 years of age. 

  1. No “Below the Waist” Nudity in Free Chat.

To prevent a minor’s exposure to below the waist nudity and adult material, no below the waist nudity is allowed in free areas. To meet our age verification standards, sexually explicit depictions are only made available to paying users. Any webcam modeling performance or Content that is available to anyone other than paid users must not contain any below the waist nudity.

  1. No Promotion of Other Sites.

Promotion of any non-related website by cam models to any user of our camming sites is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to chat, by text, or by any other means. See further discussion in Section J of the Performer Agreement.

  1. Not Under Influence of Alcohol or Drugs.

While giving any live webcam modeling performance, being depicted in any Content, or taking any other action related to this Agreement, cam models shall not be under the influence of alcohol or any illegal drug or controlled substance.

  1. No Animals or Firearms.

Regarding what a user can see on our camming sites, cam models are prohibited from having any animal, firearm, or gun of any type appear during any webcam modeling performance or in any Content.

  1. No Fraudulent Activity.

While giving any webcam modeling performance or taking any other action related to this Agreement, cam models shall not engage in any type of fraudulent activity. Fraudulent activity refers to any activity that violates any law, that results in complaints or chargebacks, or that is deemed inappropriate by us.

  1. Webcam Modeling Accounts.

Your webcam modeling account with us may only include cam models who have properly gone through the application process with us by providing the required age verification information and documentation (as discussed above), and who have been approved by us to appear on your webcam modeling account. Other than cam models approved by us to be on your account, cam models shall not have any other person appear in any of your webcam modeling performances. If you violate these requirements, your webcam modeling account will be closed permanently. If you are no longer using your webcam modeling account, your webcam modeling account must be closed. Inactive webcam modeling accounts will be closed by us after a specific amount of time and cannot be recovered.

  1. Providing Content.

In the event cam models make any representation or commitment to any user regarding the amount of Content which cam models will be uploading in the future, then cam models are solely responsible for satisfying any such representation or commitment and for any loss or damage caused by any breach of any such representation or commitment. We shall have no responsibility or liability for any breach by cam models of any such representation or commitment.

  1. Non-Competition.

Cam models will be allowed to own and operate a personal website. Provided that cam models agree not to solicit customers and/or other cam models through his/her personal website that is or may be in direct or indirect competition with our camming sites. Cam models further agree not to release any email addresses or web page addresses to anyone without our explicit approval.

  1. Harassment. 

We do not condone harassment. If cam models are found to be harassing, bothering, teasing, distracting and/or mocking others (either as cam models or a member), your webcam modeling account may be suspended or terminated. Additionally, you may not engage in any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially or ethnically objectionable content. We support all cam models and want everyone to succeed. We expect all cam models to behave maturely and support each other.

  1. Webcam Modeling Account Termination.

If you are no longer using your webcam modeling account, the webcam modeling account must be closed. Inactive webcam modeling accounts will be archived after a specific amount of time and cannot be recovered. Cam models accounts can be terminated based on webcam modeling performance level or quality. Cam models should strive to maintain a reasonable webcam modeling performance level of time in paid chat vs time online.

  1. Webcam Modeling Rule Amendments. 

We reserve the right to add to or amend any webcam modeling rule/guideline as it becomes necessary.

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